I get a consistent monthly number of Apache visitors on littlesvr.ca, roughly ranging between 10 and 20 thousand. A couple of years ago I put my OPS courses (OPS345 is the most popular) on wiki.littlesvr.ca (same hardware). I forgot to analyze the logs at the end of january, and just did it now for january/february. …

Continue reading A million visits a month

Last year I decided to upgrade my public-facing server. Some history: I bought a Micro-ATX motherboard without looking up the size, I assumed it’s the smallest form factor. It isn’t, the smallest one is Mini-ITX. So the new motherboard didn’t fit in the old case. The new one is massive: I put 64GB of RAM …

Continue reading 2024 littlesvr

I’ve had a lot of time to think since the mass hysteria which started in 2020. A lot of time. I like thinking and challenging my ideas. And now, more than 3 years later I’m starting to believe that I found the answer to everything which has to do with peple. In three years I …

Continue reading Stupid, lazy, and selfish

Having looked at the AWS Academy introduction courses multiple times: I decided that they are completely useless as a learning tool. I don’t like that they read like a commercial, and they make the bizarre assumption that Linux experience is not a prerequisite. I decided to build my own Introduction to AWS course and I …

Continue reading Free course: Introduction to AWS

I have a habit of supporting the underdog. Every year I pick some non-profits to donate to financially: because even though this world is full of sellfish stupid and lazy morons, there are some good people out there. Unselfish and awesome people who do good not only for themselves but for many others too. In …

Continue reading Support this guy

Finally, I have something serious to complain about. I don’t remember the last time it was so blindingly obvious that the world is completely filled with idiots. There’s a thing going around the world called the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It’s severity is about the same as a cold. Maybe a flu. And the world …

Continue reading Mass hysteria