I maintain a reasonably popular app called Asunder. This app has in its preferences a GtkFileChooserButton, and implementation of the (supposedly) interface GtkFileChooser. I’ve been getting bug reports about the selected directory not being saved when you save the preferences and looked into it again today. I could hardly believe what I found. If I …

Continue reading GtkFileChooser not choosing

For quite a few years I resisted the temptation of setting up a wireless network at home. Story after story suggested that WiFi is a crappy, unstable, and awfully insecure set of technologies. Finally though things seemed to have settled down, and with WPA2 the wardriving stories ended. So a couple of years ago I …

Continue reading Wireless security.. right

I was planning to go on a long trip on my bike, and I needed to bring luggage. The trip was long enough and I needed enough stuff that putting it all in a backpack wasn’t doable. I shopped around for such a rack but didn’t find anything at a price I was willing to …

Continue reading DIY motorcycle rack