I maintain a reasonably popular app called Asunder. This app has in its preferences a GtkFileChooserButton, and implementation of the (supposedly) interface GtkFileChooser. I’ve been getting bug reports about the selected directory not being saved when you save the preferences and looked into it again today. I could hardly believe what I found. If I …
Continue reading GtkFileChooser not choosingI ran into a major issue with LibreOffice today, the version (3.6.22) that comes with LinuxMint14. It will not open the spreadsheet with my grades for last semester! It just hangs there at “Loading document”. Same thing happening on both computers I have that are both running the same Mint. I hope this is not …
Continue reading I thought LibreOffice was going to be betterI’m the last guy to be anal about safety, but this is just hilarious!
Continue reading Saftey first at York UniversityThings would have been different! I guess that’s not the type of machine you can transport on the highway other than in pieces, so here are just the enormous tires:
Continue reading If I had a car like this when I was young…Hey look, it’s 2012/12/12 – cool! But that’s not what this post is about. It always pissed me off big time that the more popular Linux distros don’t install the development files (like header files) or the documentation for the software that comes with them. Being a developer – this is a big pain in …
Continue reading Install all the -dev and -doc packages in Debian/Ubuntu/MintI don’t think I’ve ever had a summer as successful as this one in terms of vacations. I went to Newfoundland and back on my motorcycle, and I went on a 5-day canoe trip in Killarney. Now what could I possibly do to compete with that in the coming winter…
Continue reading How to spend your vacation properlyFor quite a few years I resisted the temptation of setting up a wireless network at home. Story after story suggested that WiFi is a crappy, unstable, and awfully insecure set of technologies. Finally though things seemed to have settled down, and with WPA2 the wardriving stories ended. So a couple of years ago I …
Continue reading Wireless security.. rightI was planning to go on a long trip on my bike, and I needed to bring luggage. The trip was long enough and I needed enough stuff that putting it all in a backpack wasn’t doable. I shopped around for such a rack but didn’t find anything at a price I was willing to …
Continue reading DIY motorcycle rackI’ve been working on this project part time for a while now, and finally it started bothering me that I couldn’t google the requirements document. That is so because I haven’t publicised it yet, so here you go: The first step has been to create a requirements document, which I’ve done, on a wiki like …
Continue reading Fractions driving game in HTML5 instead of FlashSome of the photos from my first jump, from the 28th of April 2012. Amazing experience!
Continue reading Because life is short