I’ve been running my more-or-less regular backup of littlesvr.ca, and found that yet again the online APNG assembler data directory is the one taking most of the time. Turns out that even though I cleared it a few months ago there is over 4GB of PNG files in there (half of that – 5800 APNG …
Continue reading APNG is still aliveThere is a magic thing called gettext. It’s magic because it allows some random Joe on the internet with no experience in programming to translate your application into his language. He does this by editing a .po file, then sends it to you, and you just include that file in your build system. Ok there …
Continue reading Oh my god, don’t use plural formsIn newsgroups and many mailing lists top-posting (putting your reply above the text you’re replying to) is a big no-no. You’ll get flamed even if what you say is very useful, constructive, and nice. I’ve never quite understood the zealotry, but I figured: whatever, it sort of makes sense – someone says something, and then …
Continue reading So this is why they top-postI’ve been pondering how one may be able to get rid of spam. Not just what comes into my mailbox, but most spam everywhere. And I found such a simple solution it’s amazing I haven’t heard of it before. But of course it will never happen, so that probably explains it. Spammers rely on that …
Continue reading Easy but impossible way to get rid of spamHere’s a stupid post, it’s been a while. I’ve upgraded Slackware from 12.2 to 13.0 and now it is messing with me. Believe it or not the stupid thing knows when I’m annoyed and pisses me off even more. Here’s how it works: Sometimes my pointer starts jumping all around the screen, for no good …
Continue reading Slackware 13 knows how I feelSome people don’t get this, and they’ll never read this blog post, and there are too many of them to contact individually, so this is just me complaining with no purpose. When I give you my email address – I give you my address. I only give it to people because I have no desire …
Continue reading Stop giving out my email address you twatsI got an email from someone who appears to be helping KDE out with switching their licences. I guess at some point the guys decided that nothing in KDE shall be licenced GPLv2 only, and that’s the request I got – change the licence to “GPL2 or 3” or “GPL2 or later”. Here are a …
Continue reading KDE now GPL3 only, wants to scap my contribution?Sunday was a nice day, and at about 17:00 I decided to go for a ride to Niagara. Everything went ok on the way there, things look nice in the spring. Got to go onto the hill that you can see south of the QEW, always wanted to do that. Then it started to get …
Continue reading Niagara to Vaughan on a bike, at nightI’m marking the first assignment for the data structures and algorithms course. Two problems – a painful but well-defined majority element and the other a linked list. I’m reading this code and I’m getting a headache. I need to take a break every 30 minutes, it’s so hard. The problem is I’m looking at the …
Continue reading Mad markingA few months ago my computer started squealing. It was annoying when it started – a kind of squeeck squeeck one or two seconds each, once a day. But recently one or two seconds turned into five or 6 seconds and once a day into twice and hour. You have no idea how bad it …
Continue reading Squeeeeeeeeee