I get a consistent monthly number of Apache visitors on littlesvr.ca, roughly ranging between 10 and 20 thousand.
A couple of years ago I put my OPS courses (OPS345 is the most popular) on wiki.littlesvr.ca (same hardware).
I forgot to analyze the logs at the end of january, and just did it now for january/february. Holy crap:

That’s a million visitors in february. Bloody hell. I’ll have to find a better way to analyze those logs, AWStats doesn’t give me enough detail.
The log file for the two months is so big (3.5GB) that SVN actually crashes when doing a diff:
svn: E000022: Can't set position pointer in file '/home/.../cat_wiki_access_log_2025': Invalid argument
Thankfully the log file got committed ok, I have no interest in switching to Git.
I think my OPS345 course is great, and I would love to believe that this is a million people who were learning from it. But I suspect this has something to do with the newest generation of web crawlers, the ChatGPTs of the world which are having a hard time doing my students’ assignment for them.