I have an “everything” Linux server currently running Slackware 15. Sometimes I need to create users in /etc/passwd for some particular use case, but both my Postfix and Dovecot authenticate against /etc/passwd to grant access. It took a long time to figure out how to get that done. Finally I did it: Postfix Edit /etc/postfix/master.cf; … Read more
Assertions Qualified and motivated teachers have run into roadblocks for as long as the government education system existed. I believe that in recent decades the entire education system from kindergarten to postdoctoral degrees has devolved to the point where no honest person can claim that a new graduate with any credential is necessarily capable of … Read more
I’ve had a lot of time to think since the mass hysteria which started in 2020. A lot of time. I like thinking and challenging my ideas. And now, more than 3 years later I’m starting to believe that I found the answer to everything which has to do with peple. In three years I … Read more
And what's a solutions engineer? My goal in life is to design and develop solutions for people - to make them less frustrated, to give them better tools, to let them concentrate on more important things.
I'm an engineer specializing in Linux and open source software: I use it as a platform to create desktop, server, and embedded device applications, libraries, and services.
If you have a question about my work - by all means contact me, I'll be happy to talk to you about it.
90 day RV trip around the perimiter of the USA. Read more
Cross-country RV trip from Toronto to Vancouver. Read more