Enable mod_rewrite in Apache 2 on Slackware 12

Posted by: Andrew Smith
Poster contact info: andrew-smith at mail ru
Author: same as 'Posted by'
Software: Slackware 12, Apache 2

I was trying to set up Wordpress with nice permalinks. It turns out that on Slackware 12 the default Apache configuration doesn't allow mod_rewrite, so it takes a bit of effort to enable it.

First figure out which directory you want mod_rewrite enabled in. Let's say that it's /var/www/htdocs/blog. Edit your /etc/httpd/httpdd.conf and append the following to the end:
<Directory "/var/www/htdocs/blog">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes
  AllowOverride All
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
Save the file, run apachectl restart and your mod_rewrite should work now.
