

int bk_open_image(VolInfo* volInfo, const char* filename);

This basically just opens the ISO file for reading. The parameter filename can have any string in it that would work with the C function open(), i.e. it can have a full or relative or no path plus the name of the file.

Call bk_open_image() after bk_init_vol_info() and before bk_read_vol_info().


int bk_read_vol_info(VolInfo* volInfo);

This reads information about the ISO: things like the volume name, creation time and the types of directory trees available (ISO9660, Rockrdge, Joliet). Also some boot record information is read (complete boot record info is not guaranteed until after the directory tree is read).

Important to know is that bk_estimate_iso_size() will not work at this point, you must read the directory tree first.


int bk_read_dir_tree(VolInfo* volInfo, int filenameType, bool keepPosixPermissions, void(*progressFunction)(VolInfo*));

This function reads a set of entire directory trees (all the directories and files) from the ISO. bk is capable of reading ISO9660, RockRidge, and Joliet filenames so you can ask to read any of those. You have to decide which one you want based on the available types in VolInfo.filenameTypes. I recommend that you choose RockRidge over Joliet and Joliet over ISO9660. To illustrate, here's an example:

    if(GBLvolInfo.filenameTypes & FNTYPE_ROCKRIDGE)
        rc = bk_read_dir_tree(&GBLvolInfo, FNTYPE_ROCKRIDGE, true, activityProgressUpdaterCbk);
    else if(GBLvolInfo.filenameTypes & FNTYPE_JOLIET)
        rc = bk_read_dir_tree(&GBLvolInfo, FNTYPE_JOLIET, false, activityProgressUpdaterCbk);
        rc = bk_read_dir_tree(&GBLvolInfo, FNTYPE_9660, false, activityProgressUpdaterCbk);

progressFunction is a pointer to a function that takes a VolInfo* as a parameter and returns void. bk will call this function every 1 second or so. You can pass in NULL if you like but in that case control won't be returned to your code until bk_add() is finished doing what it has to do so you can't update a progress bar or cancel adding.